Sthlm City
Stan med Ville, Sam , Viktor , Annie & Nathalie! Om du vill veta vad vi gjorde så får du ring och fråga för jag är kall om händerna, Kan bara säga att vi hade skit roligt.. + att nathalie var typ glad hela tiden!
Out tonight
Idag så skulle jag tagga till
Ekerö med
Tim och träffa
Annie. Men kom hem för sent från
gymmet så jag han inte, blev
sur på min far för att jag inte fick åka, så jag messa
Viktor och han var med
Elias så jag träffa dom en stund. Vi langa
snöbollar och sen ringde vi på
Helena M (hon på videon)
+ att
Victor skämde ut sej, titta
bilden liksom och sen just då kommer hennes
mamma&Patrik hem och såg honom med
Patriks stavar och
Helenas sko!
HAHAH. Sen efter så gick vi ut igen och då träffade vi min Syster, Siri och
Felicia Book. Det blev
bråk mella
Victor och
Felicia... För
Victor "träffa" nästa
Felicias huvud..
blabla. Efter det som hänt så gick vi till
Nathas port för hon skulle just komma hem från sin
Glad som fan över att se henne som vanligt. Vi alla satt och snacka ett tag sen skulle
Natha bada och
Helena skulle hem.. Då var det bara vi
Grabbar kvar! roligt roligt och roligt.. Vi gick runt och snacka sen så gick vi alla
hem till sig! nu sitter jag här måste
sova är tröt som fan!
To Kira

"Kira fick den av mej" är jag snäll?
Sommaren -08
Ekerö night!
Helena Maripuu
Kevin live in thailand
miss you every minute
I remember when we two were as one You and me straight into the grave! remember when we were a couple of love though we were just the world's best friends, I miss all of us! everything fun we all had fun we would have. when you lose somebody that's when you know how much the person means, and now I know how much you mean. you are my fucking life. doing shit that you are so against me and you say nothing can change what you say absolutely nothing! takes you to wonder what it is doing wrong when you never know their mistakes! you are my angel and I will never forget our times and all we have done together, all your vicinity is left in my heart and will never drop it! how much you want to forget me, I never release a lear something from you! I love you friend and I will always do something just so you know .. you are the only one! : (
One million visitors
Today, I will try to find someone fun to be with, I woke up and the wind has not done so much than .. + I have training tonight. do not know if I can, that's so fucking cold out. But in all cases now, so today I found a link that could get 1 million visitors to his blog, so I became a member and already have lots of visitors! shit cool. so I think you should try and join for fun, play a little with life like. but now, I will do other things (can be misinterpreted). to eat and dress me, hug!
Bedtime f*ckers
Snow is not so good for me, I think it is so cold. Today I had the match with P92, we lose by 5-4. shit bad! then after it would tor sleep here, but his father became a lacquer or something, so he did not! tag out with the shoulder and shoot a little! bedtime

Status: soccer match
Traffic in my heart
Time is no good

Kira Farula's inlägg till mej :$
I apologize!?
out tonight with the boys

Today in the evening I was out with the boys! funny shit .. plus we Lalla around like hell, we talk shit, and more. And now the middle of the day I was with
Kira, she is so funny and cute but her boyfriend is pure poop! I and
Kira watch film and talk!
haha it's Saturday
Idag har jag bara vart med Kira, vi titta på film :)
No life without kevin
Boring Friday
Ignore the wallpaper, I want you!

What disturbs me most about you is that you bluntly ignore me, I try to really show anything for you, but you just do everything to destroy it! you meet others, never want to meet me, never talked to me and the first you can not even see me in the eye. Hope it's because you regret you. I will always try to build us up, please help! I need you: ( svenska
Poetry from me

The light listening, all is just completely gone from the earth, no one gives a shit about what anybody says, everyone just ignores the other next to stand and cry. Why not take the seriously and tell it like it is. That they are the life of your feelings, that they are completely empty of everything and just lots of pain. Why, then, let people believe in you? you can not give them a chance, you are just so * pain * you get this from us; No one can bother then about you anymore, you are not for us!
what the hell do you think?

Now the big question what you think should be here, I find it difficult to come up with something, what do you think? tell us what you think the link should go to and I'll think about it, very much!
Click on image for large format
Good night with prank
Start again
I have always wondered where all my friends go, but I now know that all is not my fault. I am not the only problem, but in any case, I would like to ask what all is going. there are not many left now. I start my new life today. ignore everything that was and to find new friends and secondly I have no idea what to do with my love. are incredibly in love with my best friend, but I have apparently destroyed it between us. want you back!
T - text av mej

I have my love in your heart,
I have my life in your soul,
you live in my brain & I miss the days when you knew it,
in love you very much .. but you make the wise do not!
Hk idag
Eget / chickennood /

2st grillade kycklingar
Lite nudlar
1 ägg
1 morot
SåS 2 vitlöks klyftor
Lite salt
Ganska mycket creme fraiche
Lite sweet chili sås
Olyckligt kär!
najs eller bajs?

Vad är najs och vad är bajs?
SCBR - Läxa

Idag har jag bara var med Creboy & gjort läxor, vi gjorde HK läxan. Man skulle göra ett eget miljö märke & skriva om det
( Arbetet kommer på bild&Text)
Konfa'n igår - Bilder
RFSU ( Riksförbundet för sexuell upplysning )
Visar hur man målar s*opp

Sen fick vi k*ullgummi
life - text av mej

Life is like looking down a waterfall, it is incredibly beautiful far from, but when you stand up there and just look down, they are so long and boring and you just want to down again. just pull his hand and feel the water droplets, is like that, clearly lived life, I had that drop, but she chose to evaporate, Up 'your I did not dare take the risk to live, and now feels that I should evaporate away from jodens surface, and take the risk to the other!
Konfa idag
Idag ska jag ha konfa, är borta från 10.00 till 16.00
nån på mobilen, säger sen hur det gick&vad vi gjorde :)
Vilken Header?
Linn Ohlsson
Igår - Onsdag
Ugnen på 225
10-15 min i ugnen
1 dl fingervarmt vatten
½ msk olja
2 krm salt
1/4 paket = 12 g jäst
2-2 ½ dl vetemjöl
Sen kan du ha på detdu tycker om
skatt eller skratt?

- FUL.
- T

När du står där på rälsen, vad är de man väntar på? Är de tåget eller kanske guds varma händer. När du står där på bron, vad väntas då? Än bra vind som får dig att se dina sista tråkiga sekunder i livet eller är de änglarna som är skickad i guds namn. Och när du blir bort kastad av den du älskar, Va fan tror du man väntar på då, Inget! Man gör de bara, skiter i vad som händer... Finns inget iallafall, Ingen mening längre -.-
- Är Han inte tung?